2009年6月12日 星期五
What are the components to compose the ecosystem?
(1) air, water, soil
(2) air, food, water
(3) oil, soil, water
(4) air, toy, people
2009年6月8日 星期一
4-4Human Activities Can Cause the Premature Extinction of Species
According biologists Stuart Pimm and Edward O.Wilson and the 2005 Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, extinction rates increased by 100-1,000 times the natural background extinction rare during the 20th century. As human population and resource consumption increase over the next 50-100 years,our ecological footprints are likely to expand. In addition, we are also expected to take over an even larger share of the earth's surface and net primary productivity that supports all consumers.
According to Wilson and Pimm, this plus climate change may cause the premature extinction of at least one-fourth of the earth’s current species by 2050 and up to half of those species could be gone or headed for early extinction by the end of this century. This could deplete and degrade the natural capital that supports all life and our economies. According to
It took millons of years after each of the earth's past mass extinctions for life to recover to the previous level of biodiversity.Thus, on our short time scale, such major losses cannot be recouped by formation of new species. To make matters worse, we are also destroying or degrading ecosystems such as tropical forests, coral reefs, and wetlands that are centers for future speciation. See the Guest Essay on this topic by Norman Myers at Thomson.
2009年6月7日 星期日
3-6 Matter Cycles within Ecosystems and in the Biospere
As nutrients move through the biogeochemical cycles, they may accumulate in one portion of the cycle and remain there for different lengths of time. These temporary storage sites such as the atmosphere, the oceans and other waters, and underground deposits are called reservoirs.
Nutrient cycles connect past, present, and future forms of life. Some of the carbon atoms in your skin may once have been part of a leaf, a dinosaur's skin,or a layer of limestone rock. Your grandmother, Attila the Hun, or a hunter-gatherer who lived 25,000 years ago may have inhaled some of the oxygen molecules you just inhaled.
2009年4月30日 星期四
Q2.What Is Matter?
分為元素和化合物 而原子中有原子核 原子核中有質子和中子 混合物靠許多化合物結合製造 成更多物質
Q3.How Can Matter Change?
(1)物理變化 : 原子內無發生什麼反應,因此物質的本質不變,如相變化--水分子蒸發凝結後還是 水。
(2)化學變化 : 發生在電子的轉移或鍵的生成與斷鍵,物質種類改變,原子不變,如氫氣與氧氣就產生水。
(3)核變化(包含核融合、核分裂、放射線的衰變) : 發生在原子核內質子,中子的反應,如核融合與核分裂,此反應原子已經改變,因為質子數不同,原子種類就不同。
Q4.What is Energy and How Can It Change Its Form?
(1)動能(kinetic energy,像是風、流動的水、電子流動…)
(2)位能(potential energy,例如在手上的小石頭、未點燃的火柴…)
Q5.How Can We Use Matter and Energy More Sustainbly?
因工業化的社會過度使用物質.能量,所以我們應該要懂得回收.重複使用.減少消耗 才能永續下去
2009年4月27日 星期一
An ecosystem is a community of different species interacting with one another and with their nonliving environment of soil,water,other forms of matter, and energy,mostly from the sun.Ecosystems can range in size from a puddle of water to an ocean,or from a patch of woods to a forest.Ecosystems can be natural or artifical (human created) .Examples of artificial ecosystems are crop fields,tree farms(see photo 1 on page vi),and reservoirs.
The biosphere consists of the parts of the earth's air,water,and soil where life is found.In effect,it is the global ecosystem in which all living organisms exist and can interact with one another.
2009年4月3日 星期五
2. How can environmentally sustainable societies grow economically?
A2.經濟增長是在國家的輸出商品的增量和服務。它由變化的百分比通常測量在國家的國 民生產總值上,所有物品和服務的每年市場價值由所有企業和組織導致, 外國和國內,經營在國家之內。變化在國家的經濟增長上每人由人均國民生產總值測量:國民生產總值劃分了由總人口在年中。當經濟增長提供人以更多物品和服務,經濟發展有使用經濟增長的目標改進生活水準。
3. How are our ecological footprints affecting the earth?
4. What is pollution, and what can we do about it?
Q4. 什麼是汙染並且我們可以做什麼對此?
5. Why do we have environmental problems?
Q5. 為什麼我們有環境問題?
A5.環境問題是由於人口成長、浪費且不永續地使用資源、貧困、在市場價格中疏忽了環境生產的費用、和沒有足夠知識就嘗試想管理自然。總結:1.人口過多 2.資源過於使用 3.貧窮 4.環境成本被排除市場的價值 5.嘗試管理自然卻沒有足夠的知識。
6. What are four scientific principles of sustainability?
2009年3月23日 星期一
重複,辯論所得的結果) New evidence and better hypotheses(science Focus,at right)may discredit or alter tried and accepted views.(新的證據和更好的假說(科學重點)可能詆毀或改變審判和接受意見) But unless that happens, those views are considered to be the results of reliable science.(但是,除非這種情況下,這些意見被認為是可靠的科學結果。)
2009年3月16日 星期一
views and values to talk and listen to one another, find common ground based on understanding and trust,and work together to solve environmental and other
problems.(這涉及到讓人們有不同觀點和價值觀討論,並聽取對方,找到共同點的基礎上了解和信任,共同努力解決環境和其他的問題。)This means nurturing openness, communication,cooperation, and hope and discouraging closemindedness,polarization, confrontation, and fear.(這意味著撫育的開放,溝通,合作和希望和勇氣及失望closemindedness,兩極分化,對抗和恐懼。)
2009年3月2日 星期一
can often find substitutes.(當資源被耗盡,人類機伶的發現替代品)For example, during this
century a mix of renewable energy resources such as
wind, the sun, flowing water, and the heat in the
earth’s interior could reduce our dependence on nonrenewable
fossil fuels such as oil and coal.(舉例來說:人類在這幾世紀間找到了許多可再生能源,有風力,太陽能,水力,地熱以減少對石油和煤炭等不可再生資源的依賴性) Various types of plastics and composite materials can also replace certain metals.(許多種類的塑膠和合成材料也可替代許多金屬) But sometimes there is no acceptable or affordable substitute.(但有些還是不能當做替代品)