2009年6月12日 星期五


What are the components to compose the ecosystem?
(1) air, water, soil
(2) air, food, water
(3) oil, soil, water
(4) air, toy, people

2009年6月8日 星期一

4-4Human Activities Can Cause the Premature Extinction of Species

Although extinction is a natural process, the scientific consensus is that humans have become a major force in the premature extinction of species. Human activities decrease the earth's biodiversity when they cause the premature extinction of species and destroy or degrade habitats needed for the development of new species.
According biologists Stuart Pimm and Edward O.Wilson and the 2005 Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, extinction rates increased by 100-1,000 times the natural background extinction rare during the 20th century. As human population and resource consumption increase over the next 50-100 years,our ecological footprints are likely to expand. In addition, we are also expected to take over an even larger share of the earth's surface and net primary productivity that supports all consumers.

According to Wilson and Pimm, this plus climate change may cause the premature extinction of at least one-fourth of the earth’s current species by 2050 and up to half of those species could be gone or headed for early extinction by the end of this century. This could deplete and degrade the natural capital that supports all life and our economies. According to Wilson, if this massive loss of species continues unabated, the cost to humanity in wealth, environmental security, and quality of life, will be catastrophic. Wilson also says that if we make an “all-out effort to save the biologically richest parts of the world, the amount of loss can be cut at least by half.”


It took millons of years after each of the earth's past mass extinctions for life to recover to the previous level of biodiversity.Thus, on our short time scale, such major losses cannot be recouped by formation of new species. To make matters worse, we are also destroying or degrading ecosystems such as tropical forests, coral reefs, and wetlands that are centers for future speciation. See the Guest Essay on this topic by Norman Myers at Thomson.


2009年6月7日 星期日

3-6 Matter Cycles within Ecosystems and in the Biospere

The elements and compounds that make up nutrients move continually through air,water,soil,rock and living organisms in cycles called biogeochemical cycles(literally,life-earth-chemical cycles) or nutrient cycles-prime examples of one of the four scientific principles of sustainability (see back cover). These cycles, driven directly or indirectly by incoming solar energy and gravity, include the hydrologic (water), carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus cycles. Thus, matter cycles within ecosystems and the biosphere and human activities are altering these chemical cycles.
As nutrients move through the biogeochemical cycles, they may accumulate in one portion of the cycle and remain there for different lengths of time. These temporary storage sites such as the atmosphere, the oceans and other waters, and underground deposits are called reservoirs.
Nutrient cycles connect past, present, and future forms of life. Some of the carbon atoms in your skin may once have been part of a leaf, a dinosaur's skin,or a layer of limestone rock. Your grandmother, Attila the Hun, or a hunter-gatherer who lived 25,000 years ago may have inhaled some of the oxygen molecules you just inhaled.